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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Praying for My Husband

This is something that I thought would be very interesting to write. Right before my freshman year of high school I read an article in a magazine about praying for your future spouse. This article really made me think one of my main goals in life has always been being a wife and then a mother. On that day I decided to take time to pray for my future spouse. Now I made this decision six and a half years ago and I can tell you the way I pray for him has greatly changed. Now as a little freshman about to enter high school no one had ever talked to me about praying for your future spouse, the only information I had about it was the idea and the article I read. So it pretty much started out with me adding to my prayers, Dear God, please be with my future husband and that was pretty much it. As I got more comfortable with the idea I would pray that his faith was being strengthened, that he had a good day, and that he has an amazing support system there for him.

Not to long ago I was thinking about this and my view on it changed. No trust me I did not decide that praying for him was a bad idea. I decided that there was more I could add to the prayer. Now I think the easiest way to show this would just to write down what my prayer my sound like. The thing that has changed the most is not only praying for my future husband but praying for myself as his future wife.

Here is something to the affect of what I may pray:
Dear Lord, Please me with my future husband in whatever he is dealing with in life. Keep him safe and happy. Allow for him to have people in his life to support him. Help his faith be growing each day. Lord help him to be gaining the characteristics he need to be a husband and a father. Please also be with me as I grow. Allow me to gain the characteristics I need to be a good wife to him and a good mother to our future children. I know that you have a plan for when we will be brought together, please help me to understand that your timing is best. Amen

Sometimes, I go into more details but this is the basic structure of what I would say. I challenge you if you are not married to pray for your future spouse. Even if you are dating someone pray for them and your future spouse double prayers never hurt anyone. Someday I will be able to put a name into my prayer and when that day comes I will be overjoyed.

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