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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

That College Feeling

Sorry, it has been a month since I have posted. Work was exhausting and all my focus was going there. Now I am done with my summer job before I start up classes and my school job. You can expect an update about my classes after I go to them.

I am moving in Saturday, so that is four days away (I need to pack)! This will be my third year (Junior year) of college. I have heard a lot of people online and in person giving advice to people on how to choose the school that is for them. Everyone talks about the feeling that you will have when you visit the campus and you will know that it is the right school for you. I am writing this post to know you might want to think twice before this feeling dictates the next four years (and possibly beyond) of your life.

Now you might think I am bitter because I did not have this feeling so I think it doesn't exist. That is false I had this feeling and it was amazing. I toured a small private college and it was everything I wanted in my life. The campus was small and I could see myself there easily. It was close enough to home and that made me comfortable. Everyone there made me feel like a person and not a number. I found the perfect school for me and I was ready to go. I accepted my spot and told the other colleges on my list I was no longer interested in going there I knew where I was going.

Now you are probably thinking wait you had the feeling isn't this post over. The school that was perfect for me and gave me that feeling is NOT the school I ended up at. I ended up at another private college that is not to far away from home but further than the original school. It is also bigger so while I do not completely feel like just a number you definitely get a bigger feeling from this school. You might be wondering why I gave up my "perfect" school for a different one. That is because my "perfect" school did not quite have the exact major I wanted. They had one that was close but not perfect. So I decide to pick going somewhere that had the perfect major over going somewhere that had almost the right major but felt like the perfect school to me.

This is not a story where I tell you that half way through I realized I made a mistake but it is to late to transfer now. This post is to tell you even though I did not pick the college that gave me that feeling I could not imagine my life any other way. I am studying my perfect major. My current campus has the perfect view. It also has my perfect people (of course I know that no people are perfect). At college I have met friends that I know I will have for the rest of my life. I could not imagine the last two year or the many more years in the future with out them.

I wrote this post to tell you to think things through and do not base your college decision only on that feeling. You can go to a school that never gave you that feeling and still be more happy than you ever imagined.

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