Over the past 18 months I have become a lot better at self-care. Through middle school, high school, and college I was busy. I was working hard on homework and sports. I am a very,very Type A person and like things to be just so. Once I transitioned into "adult" life and being on my own I knew that I needed to put some things in place to help me take care of myself. Here are a list of the things I did that helped me.
1) It started by deciding that I wanted to lead a healthier life, I finally did not go into this idea with the weigh to lose a lot of weight quickly. I just wanted to get in shape and make steps to be healthier in the future. I started this by working out for 30 minutes a day. In the beginning I was doing walking workout videos.
2) I decided to keep work at work and home at home. I like about 5 minutes from where I work so it is easy for my to stay a little later. I also get to work about 40 minutes before I need to get there. This gives me time to wind down, but this also means that when I am at home I am unwinding and not stressed about getting things done.
3) I let myself take time to relax and be "bored". I give myself the chance to watch TV and read. I don't pressure myself to always do something.
4) I make sure that I get enough sleep so that I feel good and ready to tackle the day.
5) I make choices based on home I am feeling and what I enjoy. I have tried really hard to stop letting what other people will think influence me so much. I try to think how I feel and if this will help me move closer to being happy and content with my life.
Let me know below about self-care that you practice or want to begin practicing in the New Year.