About Me

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Dear Little Brother

Dear Little Brother, 

I can honestly say that I do not remember life without you. You came into my life when I was two and a half. When mom was pregnant everyone used to ask me if I wanted a brother or a sister. I can honestly say that I only ever gave one answer and that was a sister. At two and a half I wanted someone to play dress up with and have as a mini me. Then you came along and I was so excited the first time I got to meet you I happily announced that I was the big sister. Then three weeks later I told mom that maybe we could take you back because I really wanted a sister. I am so glad that my two and a half year old self did not have control over this.

Little Brother you have been a huge blessing. We fought and we yelled, sometimes it probably seemed like we barely liked each other. As we have grown up we have gotten closer and I am extremely thankful for that. We can joke around and we can have serious conversations. I love that you ask my opinions about your life.

Some people would say we are extremely alike and they may be right, but I have always thought we are the perfect balance and you have made my life better.

You were rugged, when I was a princess. Because of you I have tried to play street hockey, rolled around in the grass with a air soft gun, I have had countless light saber and nerf gun fights, I have tried to jump my bike on a homemade ramp. I will never forget these memories. You pulled me out of my princess world and I had fun.

You were fearless, when I worried. You pulled me out of my shell. You helped me try new things because when I was younger there is no way I could be out done by my little brother. As I got older I knew you would be there right by my side to catch me if I fell.

You were fun, when I was too serious. You have always known how to make me laugh. There have definitely been times in life where I have needed you to lighten the mood. No matter what mood I am in you have make me laugh.

You have been my shoulder to cry on. I know that you try to put on a front. I also know that when I have been crying you have been there to give me a hug. You try to fix my problems and if you cannot do that you listen.

Because of you I have been to more baseball games than I could ever count. I have spent countless hours in bleachers and lawn chairs cheering you on. I have cheered you on in your achievements and even cried tears of joy in your successes. I have also cried at your losses and wished there was something I could have done to change the outcome.

Oh Little Brother, I want you to have the best life ever. I want you to enjoy life and be happy. I want you to be successful and never truly want for anything. I know this may not always be able to happen, but I want you to know I am there no matter what. I am there to listen and give advice if you want. I am there to bounce ideas off. I hope we never drift apart. Any advice you give to me I know comes from a good place and I can trust you because you always tell me the truth.

Little Brother, now looking back I cannot imagine having a sister. I am so thankful for you. Even though you are younger than me I look up to you. You are so good at connecting with people, you make friends easily, you are smart, you can let go and have fun, you are athletic, you are a hard worker, and people love you. I am so proud of the person you have become.

I love you, Little Brother!

       Your Big Sister